I've been thinking long and hard of what to write in this page. Being a bit of a perfectionist and a bit of a procrastinator, this page have been left empty and idle long enough. So, I shall just go with the flow, please bear with me :)
Ocean's 1/2 is indeed a queer name. There's no particular reason I chose this name. First of all, as the blog can be viewed publicly although part of the whole point of blogging, I still wish to have some sort of privacy control, thus the online nick I've adopted, oceanshalf. As to why ocean, it's because I love it for absolutely no reason at all, (maybe because of its vastness and diversity which sorts of represents what I write here) and as for the 1/2, I find that my viewpoints always stem from moderation, else also known as The Middle Path, thus the half or halve, whichever you like.
As for myself, those who know me in real life know me, those who know me online know me as Will or oceanshalf. Let's just leave it at that.
Now, for the purpose of blogging....hmmm. I love literary, which in this case is reading and writing. I've always loved writing, though mostly to pen down my own memories in case they fail one day, but in 2007 when blogging was the IN thing, I jumped on board the bandwagon. Though most of the blogs have died, including numerous of mine, which stands at at least 3 due to many reasons, privacy being one of the main concerns, lack of mojo being the other.
The blogosphere is a very interesting place and each blog draws its strength from the communities' support. This is in no way a support for blogwalking or add kissing, but genuine readers or sincerely read and hopefully gain something from the words strung together by myself.
And if you'd like what you see, there are many ways you can support this blog. I have Nuffnang ads which generate some income albeit by the sens per click, so do click them if you wish, no obligations, I don't live off ads. But more importantly, to keep this blog going and to keep my blogging mojo on, is to know that at least one person is reading it - YOU. A simple comment on a post you fond interesting, or a simple "hello" in the cbox lets me know that. And I thank you in advance for the support and encouragement is greatly appreciated! :)
Your feedback is always appreciated here at Ocean's 1/2 and if not informative/fruitful, at least I hope you enjoyed my half past six grammar in this bountiful canvas of mine:D
Blurry Images
So, in the midst of the busy workload, my subconscious decided to give me
some respite by sending messages through the dreams. I only remember bits
and pie...
7 months ago