Inspired by Devi, I'll start this Project 365 Grateful, where I'll post something I'm grateful about every day. I hope that with courage and willpower, I will be able to carry this thing through. :D
Grateful for HL milk since water filter broke down.
Grateful for the beautiful almost perfect cloudy weather that made painting a joy :-)
Grateful for Mom's wonderful cooking!
Grateful for photos that rekindle memories.
Grateful for the friendly and helpful hardware shop fella.
Grateful for the chance to do some gardening with Mom.
Grateful for a clean bathroom :)
Grateful for Puja + meditation that actually helped me recover from a flu and migraine. Actually works!
Grateful for internet forums! Tonnes of info. I know now that the insufficient space is due to my PC not my phone :)
Grateful that Glee gave me those competition goosebumps! Although it's hardly real competition for that matter.
Grateful for being able to finish ironing everyone's CNY clothes :) Albeit breaking the iron..oppss!
Grateful for scissors! Scissors 1-0 Blade.
Grateful for family dinners :) Always a happy occasion
Grateful for afternoon naps! CNY chores can really take a toll on you, but well worth it!
Grateful for all things CNY! Lion Dance, Firecrackers and the all important House Visitings especially accidental meet-ups!
Besides tonnes and tonnes of relatives pouring in from all over, I'm grateful to have an Indian friend come over :)
Grateful for my awesome family organising a spontaneous trips during house visiting!! I still can't believe it!
On hindsight, I'm really Grateful that everyone reached home safe and sound. Oh, and HAPPY!! :D
Grateful for what was supposed to be a small talk but turned into and inspiring chat and CNY visiting with friends and teachers - that's for sure!
Thoroughly Grateful for Tiny Buddha to calm down my impatient nerves as I was so angry at discourteous road users and many other pet-peeves which happened all at once!
Grateful for the last minute dinner cum catch-up session with faraway relatives :)
Grateful for sugarcane. Seems to have ran out!
Grateful for hospitals. Quite an insightful visit, really got me thinking of death and grief.
Grateful that KL is on holiday today although it does not affect me directly.
Grateful that I caught The Buried Life 2 (what do you want to do before you die?). And today, the task was to ask the girl of their dreams out. They asked Taylor Swift and she said yes! <3
Grateful for the chance to revisit my high school and witness quite an awesome CNY performances, especially the clarinet performance of Katy Perry's Fireworks.
Grateful for reunions. From far far away folks :)
Grateful to make it in time for the grand ceremony of Wangkang. A super long firecrackers and lots of fireworks..Once in a lifetime!
Again, I'm grateful for the Wangkang procession as after having a vegetarian breakfast, and after watching the procession, we went to the Hang Li Po well after all these years of passing by. Locals.
Best friend is coming home from Germany! Grateful :)
Today is one of the most f**ked up day yet also one of my most accomplished days. What is happening to me?! Still..I'm grateful for all XP *Sorry for the strong language
Grateful for badminton with the old gang!
Grateful to be able to service my family's needs although it took most of my days, heck even my holidays away. Shouldn't have been such a whine over it. Also grateful to be able to throng the mall with my best friend just like old times, doing silly things like wearing sunnies in the mall, then taking them off cause we can't see, pretending to be tourist with a super English accent, and just making quick remarks here, there, everywhere.
Grateful for spontaneous trips:
Grateful for Whitney Houston's songs. In memory of one of the most recognisable, unique voice the world has heard; we are forever grateful for your gift and the footprints you left in our hearts.
Grateful that my friend took the initiative to organise a trip back to high school. Got much more quality time with the teachers than CNY's visit. Also, very grateful that my car didn't get summoned for overstaying my parking time.
Grateful for the inspiration to enter Nuffnang's contest. See here:
I'm grateful for friends who care. My best friend Jude and @dee_jhs . They are those who won't leave you alone when you're at your lowest. Also grateful to catch Safe House.
Grateful to be able to feel like a child again playing with the tortoises!
After morning jog, I meditated right in the middle of the park. I dunno where the courage came from, but I'm glad for a slice of peace right there and then.
Grateful to arrive in KL in time for Swea Phin's farewell party and even more grateful to meet and catch up with so many awesome peeps! Also, I'm very grateful that my friends understand and respect my choice of not consuming alcohol without judgement.
Grateful to be able to play Ultimate Frisbee for the second time in my life. Also grateful that my friend helped me buy a Frisbee Disc all the way from the USA!
Grateful I got to meet up with my buddy before he flies off to Aussie this week and also for the alertness to drive back safely to Melaka!
I'm grateful for the small things in life - the free milo, the chat with stranger, current song obsession on radio, daydreaming with grandma, your first tweet to get favourited and The Monitor Lizard and the Lotus Flower :)
Grateful for meaningful talks and also very very grateful to Dropbox which gives beta users extra space for uploading photos and videos! Mine stands at 7.1GB and counting!
I'm having a love hate relationship with Winamp now. Very powerful, yet not quite there but still I'm grateful for all the wonderful people who makes the Internet that much more survivable.
Visited the PC Fair today. Not very large, but was grateful to find what I was looking for - a USB Hub.
USB Hub spoilt! And I didn't have the time since I'm returning to KL in the morning. Grateful for my best friend who went all the way there, get stuck in a 2 hour jam just to exchange the USB Hub on my behalf :) so touched! Also grateful for car transport back to KL since my car is seeing the doctor. Also grateful that my teacher advisor pushed me to join the Effective Speaker's Course. Very happy to learn so much although the commitment is quite heavy.
Finally made some really progress on the Photobook. Grateful for the amazingly intuitive software and the beautiful outcome. I have great expectations. Also, grateful for my uncle who spent his morning with us although he was sick.
Grateful for my friend who agreed to giving me a lift to and from uni for this week :) Awesomeness! Also grateful for Internet in uni, something I've learned to take for granted back home.
Grateful for being able to mingle with other Engineering major friends and also taste the Big Grouper unknowingly!
Grateful to finally be able to blog again.
Grateful that there's no class for today and tomorrow. Waking up at 10 is a luxury, yo!
Grateful to catch up with my favourtie TV shows - HIMYM, TBBT, even Burn Notice :):):):)
One of the best moments in my life! Got best impromptu speaker award and to be presented Datuk Dr Victor Wee's CD himself which I later got autographed. #mylifeiscomplete
Get to go back home today. If anyone saw me grinning in the bus today, I would have been sent to Tanjung Rambutan straight away! haha! I'm just so grateful to be back home, to tell my family how much I've missed them, how much I love them. Also grateful to get my car back!
Despite surmounting frustrations from the start of day (besides the usual road @#$%^&*). The full posts goes here: Grateful for the people who stood by me in times of need.
Grateful to be able to make the acquaintance of mechanic in sunway who fixed my car problems. Grateful for the mechanic and understanding friends. Also getting so many calls just to check how's my car doing, I'm thoroughly blessed :) Also grateful to be able to help Music Club with one final push before I resign.
It seems as if the flu bug has caught onto, not me, but my car. After the chaos of the past 2 days, today got off to a very bad start. As I drove out this morning, I noticed the steering wheel is exceptionally out of line, biased to the left, so much so that i took a peek out the window during a red light just to find that the front left tyre is totally flat. I'm running on the rims now - and that's not good. Fortunately, I'm equipped with tyre changing skills thanks to some pushing from my Mum a long time ago. As fast as I could, which was 30-40 mins with my inferior tools, I managed to change the spare tyre and even got to uni before class started. I'm very grateful for Mum's pushing in learning this life long skill. Fuh!
Repaired my car today. Supposedly only for the flat tyre mentioned yesterday, but one thing lead to another and I ended up almost changing the whole hydraulics brake system putting a huge hole in my pocket. But after the repairs, you can really feel the difference and that it's not all bullsh*t. I'm grateful for the mechanic who was experienced enough and honest with me about my car. Turns out that both the back brakes have been spoilt for YEARS! I'm grateful I'm still alive with no major accidents :D Oh, and I'm also grateful that the lecturer allowed me and my friend to enter Thursday's lab session, which makes Fridays free (or not for other projects).
I'm grateful the report was finally done ahead of schedule although certain differences had to be ironed out. Also, I'm grateful I went back to the park for a quick jog and managed to witness so beautiful a sunset as this:
Bast Speaker Award!!! Wow! All I can say is, I'm damn lucky for getting this recognition. I had the idea for the speech from last week, but only started working on it this morning. I won't say I didn't put in any effort, but it's great to be recognised for your work. It's like your contribution to the world out there and I'm thoroughly glad I have found something that I really enjoy doing and learning about despite the occasional jitters. I'm grateful for the inspiration of the story and I'm grateful I managed to pull it off. Also, I believe many just didn't hit the right topic this week, which could be a contributing factor to my win. Still, Best Speaker Award baby!! BAZINGA!!
Grateful for the spontaneous journey to Bukit Jalil Park. This park is just amazing! Totally buzzing with activities - jogging, fish feeding, badminton, dance, people watching, etc. The time spent alone with my Ipod is great to bring me back to nature. And appreciate the small things, like a smile from a stranger and exploring new places. I am truly grateful! As if that wasn't enough, I waltz right into Parkson, looking for socks, but instead came home with a new pair of shoes! I've been needing one, but haven't been able to find the right one for the right price. And who would have thought, by a random chance, just when you've given up looking, fate comes your way. And I grabbed it. With both hands. With glee :)
Grateful to have successfully conducted MBS's session: A Date with Buddhist Personalities. Also grateful that folks like Rueben, Yvonne and Pei Hao came all the way to join the panel of speakers. Also got to meet many people, new and old during the 'after-party'. Great session :)
Grateful to be able to complete assignment on time (barely). Although I'm not a fan of SNSD, grateful that they are coming down to Malaysia and make so many of their fans happy! I'm also grateful for the dose of Hellcats today.
I'm grateful for going back to reading Tiny Buddha. All the accumulated emails (some still there) felt like a heavy burden on my shoulders that I never realised I was carrying! After reading, I felt peace coming from within and I knew, it was the right choice to space out and read, however busy I happen to be :)
Finally relinquished my position in Music Club after joining since first year. Am very happy and grateful to see a fresh new bunch of committee members step up to the role. Very grateful to be able to finally let go and let the club go on without me.
Grateful to be able to join TaraBuddy's session today; doing random stuff to share happiness in Pyramid - giving sweets and breakfast to strangers, free hugs, singing Happy Birthday song to a stranger, and singing Just the Way You Are to the folks at WWF's Earth Day booth! Oh, and a whole lot of candies in between. Also grateful to meet so many new Indonesian friends on the way.
25.3.12 -> 29.3.12
Go here:
Manhatten Fish Market promotion! Actually, I'm not really satisfied with the food, but still, I'm grateful to be able to spend quality time with friends. Oh, and home sweet home :)
Blogging kinda took a step back in March, but after wrapping everything up here: I'm grateful for everything that happened :)
Grateful for Grandma's cooking!
Grateful for friends that stick with you and pull you up..just in time for tomorrow's test!
Worked pretty hard on this mid sem test, but sadly everything memorised didn't come out, and didn't even know how to answer one quesitons :( Still grateful for the study group.
Grateful to be able to finish the frame for the project. Grateful to be able to help fetch some folks down the dark road towards the roundabout parking and also send another one to the LRT.
FFKed a friend today.. But gotta keep priorities in check. Grateful I kept some space for myself to breathe.
Actually managed to make some progress today. Alone, without a group. Also grateful for Esmonde's help with the LM 555 timer chip. And just before this, I was looking through some old blogs, a not so distant time ago when almost everyone blogged about their life, their feelings, and privacy/security wasn't such a big hoo-hah. I treasure each and every word in those blogs, because they bring back such good memories, albeit being bittersweet now that most blogs have been abandoned. But there WERE some little gems that were revived surprisingly, or not surprisingly, since me myself am here. Besides browsing through other people's blogs, I also came across a few of my older blogs. Some childish, some serious, but all honest. Never really quite got why I couldn't stick to one blog, one name. But nevertheless, here I am. Penning down my thoughts, and keeping words for later read. I'm grateful for every mistake I have done, every little thing I have accomplished, and no matter how it seems now, it definitely was real for me back then, so I am truly grateful I decided to immotalise a small part of me here and there. Thus, the revival of Project 365 Grateful!
Best Speaker Award again!! Very grateful considering the fact that I only started scripting in the morning. Also very grateful for the messages and autographs in the prize book I managed to get from the mentors. And I think my thank-you speech was kinda good. I managed to say what I wanted to say - how public speaking is an art, how great it is as artist to be recognised, thanked the mentors for the invaluable feedback, and saying how great a journey it has turned out to be, how wonderful the last 7 Saturdays have been, how pleasant it was to meet so many people from different backgrounds, and ended with an invitation to see them all at the finals :)
Actually did some work on the AI lab on a Sunday! I myself am surprised and grateful! Also grateful for the challenge thrown at me during dinner which culminated in this post.
Saw this competition and at the back of my mind have decided to join. Samsung Galaxy Note!! But really, it's not the prize that matters, no really, I'm not bluffing haha. I know it's cliched but for this competition, it's true. I've always had this desire to script, produce, direct, film and edit films. So this short presents a nice opportunity for me to hop on and jump right in! Of course, with the Galaxy Note in mind, it's easier to not procrastinate. And oh, I almost forgot about the real work in engineering lab. Made quite a substantial decision to scrap 90% of the previous ideas and start with a totally new one. Grateful for the guts I found in me today to do all of the above :) Again, I forgot something else - Ajahn Brahm meeting! They kept encouraging the students to speak out, but in my opinion, why speak when there is nothing to say? And I held on to that principle until I had an idea, which in the end received very favourable response from everyone! Now, that's what I'm talking about!
Made quite good progress with the new webcams on the engineering project today. I'm quite happy and grateful. And today is the day I made a very delicious, highly satisfying meal. The Rosemary Lemon Chicken Baked with Cheese :)
Rewatched Mulan. One of the best storylines...ever! Grateful for Disney Classics! Only tonight, actually the next morning that I decided to work on the #mygenerasi competition. Called in a favour from my high school teacher, wrote a rough script out and planned my journey for tomorrow. All ended at 2am, which sucks cause I have a trip to the Spastic House at 7.30!! Still, grateful that I made the initiative, and grateful for all the support I received from all quarters!
Spastic House visit in the morning! First off, grateful that I'm actually awake! Let me detail the visit here in brief. Assembled at Lagoon View with all the Indonesian friends and off we went. We were divided into various classroom. I was in the music/morning exercise room, where we helped the parents of the spastic children exercise to nursery rhymes. This is because for some, their bones are heavier and their muscles have difficulty of some sort (I'm not really sure). But basically, most of them are angled towards one side, not by choice, and we have to exercise the other side by bending their limbs for them. And it's painful on the patient! But they're not the only one suffering. The parents actually get tired very easily because spastic children are very strong. They resist the exercise. For me, I was working with Aisyah and her Mom. She was the happiest of everyone I've seen there! She's always smiling and the moment we walked in, her mouth was already wide open with a big grin! Her condition was quite severe (can't walk, can't eat, can't speak, can't control her movements). But I went up to her anyway, cause they needed someone strong large to keep up with her. Le me got sucked in. But I'm grateful and very happy to attend to her :) We then proceeded for a break, where some of them ate, some of them played. Aisyah couldn't eat solid food, only crushed bread and milk. That also, she will regurgitate back out because she can't control her tracts. I really respect her Mom. I'm gonna repeat. I really respect her Mom and all parents with spastic children. Their love made everything possible. Just think about it. No parents go through pregnancy expecting a spastic child! Hell, no! You don't get a choice! But when you do realise that your child is spastic, it would appear that your whole world is crashing down upon you. What was supposed to be a wonderful childbirth suddenly becomes your death sentence of sorts. But these parents stuck with their child. Aisyah's Mom told me this: "We have to wake up early around 4/5am. Bathing her takes an hour. Brushing her teeth takes 10 mins. Even feeding her takes 20. Then you'll have to take her to the spastic centre. Exercise with her. Etc. etc." This already takes up half a day minimum! And we're talking about working adults here, not housewifes or anything! Can you imagine that?! I..I am really moved by their patience, dedication and love for their children. 'Nuff said. Besides the kids, I myself have learnt a lot! First, to make new friends amid the language barrier. I'm a bit sesated among the Indons, you see. Then it was dealing with the spastic kids itself. It hit me really hard as I never really paid attention to this group of people. I did a lot of soul searching and zoning out and realised that I have to be grateful for everything I take for granted. My parents, my family, my body, my friends. Thank you Tarabuddy for this meaningful trip!
Finished shooting Generasi Gua back in high school thanks to the help from a teacher and some boys! So grateful for the support I receive!
This week promised to be one of the toughest week of the semester with mid sem test on Tues and assignments due on Wed. But well, I pulled through with a spoonful of sugar little help from my friends. Therefore, I'm grateful :) What more with flu and cough to make things just that bit harder.
Went to Datuk's house for one last training before the ESC finals on Saturday. Definitely felt as if I'm underperforming - which I was. I thought I had reach my peak, saturated, a plateau, which I sort of did. But there's always breaking up from that phase with a little bit of courage and determination. Grateful for all the feedback and inspiration I drew from that session. Also, started editing Generasi Gua when I came back. it was late, but I was so engrossed and excited about the video that I didn't sleep till the video was done at 5am the next morning. So proud I found something I'm this passionate about! No, the video is no where near perfect, but it's good enough for me, for now. Hopefully, I can get my hands on the Galaxy Note since Galaxy W has so much problem!!
Released Generasi Gua. Received a lot of feedback from friends all over Facebook. I am truly grateful for their support. But soon, I became sort of obsessed with increasing the number of views and number of likes for the video. I checked back every few minutes just to see if there is a new comment, a new like, etc. I still do now, but much lesser. I thus realised that generating even one thousand view is NOT EASY! But still, since they said it's not a popularity contest, I have not given up hope...just yet.
ESC finals! Emerged champion, what more have I to say? I'm grateful for everything that happened - blowing the mic especially..haha. Everything wasn't as planned, but it was perfect. :)
Still haven't recovered from yesterday's euphoria. Watched Love in a Buff today. Long story cut short, don't watch. Ever!
90's music FTW!! Grateful I can call myself a part of this generation! Managed to personally thank Datuk on the phone. So surreal. Though, the result of the Nuffnang contest for the LG Optimus 3D were released today and sad to phone for me. :(
Grateful to be able to participate in the last meeting for the Ajahn Brahm's Public Seminar. Grateful that everything is finally coming together.
Used Rainmeter to customise the uni's comp to look like a Windows 7 Phone. Grateful for Esmonde's tutorial.
Attended JinnyboyTV's workshop in Monash today. I'm INSPIRED! Gonna join the MyMonashMoments contest. Love making videos :) Grateful I found something I really really like.
Grateful that I watched We Bought A Zoo today. Awesome movie. Read about it here.
Met with Cedric and June to finalise MC job on Tuesday. Grateful for this MC opportunity.
Eve of the Ajahn Brahm's ublic Seminar. had to prepare a lot of stuff like transporting the water bottles to Sunway Uni. Grateful for a last minute lorry and manpower that helped to transport the water bottles there and also for arranging the chairs. Final briefing for all the volunteers. So happy and grateful to see so many of them gathered for Ajahn Brahm.
D-Day. Alarm rang at 6am. Woke up at 6.30am. Supposed to fetch 2 people at 6.30am! !@#$%^&*! Anyhow, rearranged a few things and luckily I managed to keep my cool as I know I'm one of the few who take punctuality seriously. And I was right. People kept pouring in after me. Anyhow, I'm really happy to be taking photographs of all the people there. Helping out here and there and basically be a free agent. :) See here. Also met a lot of new friends, public, renewed old friendship. Very grateful for all that. Night time was my first kinda big/public emcee job for the Selangor State Wesak Celebration held in Shah Alam. Well, it was a great experience for me personally although I would't deny the fact that I did feel a bit lonely after my job was done. I would like to quote Kyle XY: "It seemed as if everyone had a place to go, a role to play and I had none." Still, I had fun, especially watching Big Chip performing one of my favourites, May It Be by Enya. After all is said and done, this has got to be one of the!
Grateful for smart phones as laptop is busted..again. Also grateful for an opportunity given by my ESC coursemate, Christine to do a voice-over for Sakyamuni Dharma Centre's new slideshow this coming Sunday. Excited! :)
Finally decided to jump the gun (not sure if this is the right usage) and went ahead to cast people in my video. I'll tell you this. It's not as easy as you think and yet, you might be surprised with what you find if you just throw away that huge ego for 20 seconds and courageously ask them. I'm grateful that in this case, most of them said YES! Even the busy ones! So happy :) Also decided to send laptop in for repairs. Can't stand!
16.5.2012 - 17.5.2012
Grateful to finally found a friend who has and who is willing to lend me his DSLR so I could record my video tomorrow. I know I've not been the best of friends with him, and yet, the fact that he so willingly lent me his RM3k++ camera without a second thought just blows me away! Even friends that I know weren't quite as willing. So from now on, I pledge to try my very best to be a better friend, to not judge and to open up my heart and give everyone a chance. Grateful to find such a beautiful soul =) Thank you for showing me that. And oh! got my laptop back today! Seems to be working perfectly fine after a series of testing! I'm lovin' it!
Today is one of the easier days to be grateful. Like I said - managed to borrow camera. Casts came on time. Filming went smoothly albeit my lack in technical know-how. Friend who overslept yet came all the way from BU who's supposedly supposed to help film. Finished report on time. And just in time that the sun went where I wanted it to. Joined the exam blessing at SJBA with the TaraBuddy gang. Help take some photos. Uploaded those together with the rest of the Ajahn Brahm's. I am GRATEFUL and BLESSED :)
A pretty slow day. Watched John Carter. Total bore except the end! But for the most of today, I finally got down to editing my video and stitching up the raw clips. It takes so much longer to edit than to shoot. So, important lesson is to always get good raw clips. I'm grateful I kinda did :)
Helped my ESC mate, Christine to do a voice-over for her Buddhist centre, the Sakyamuni Dharma Centre' slide show. Quite an experience and I'm glad we re-recorded a few times until we were all happy with the results. I'm grateful I cared more for the final results than being perfect on the first try :) Then went to Sunway Pyramid to do window shopping. Why did I give in to the idea in the first place? I dislike shopping in general, but I kept in mind this quote "If one can amuse oneself, then one will never cease being amused". And so, I went around looking for amusing things to keep my occupied. There was this trio - cajon drum, guitar and saxophone! They were amazing! Free live music! :) Then of course the electronic section - looking over all the DSLRs, video recorder, and electronic peripherals that I can't afford, but still wanna see. Funny me.
Started out early in the morning to record more raw clips for MyMonash Moments competition. And I'm grateful I did a few brave shots like standing right in front of the guards doing their morning role call without telling them what I was doing..haha Guts find themselves in the weirdest moments. Still, I'm grateful I did. Also, helped my friend with his Toastmaster speech. More like impromptu feedback after he helped me with my video. Hilarious hour to say the least :)
I finished a group assignment all by myself! okok, with a little help from my dear friends. Still, getting the right answer on the first try is amazing, and doing it by myself is even more incredible! Also, showed part of my video to my friends, and I'm so happy and grateful to hear fits of laughter and a downpour of suggestions on how to make it better :)
Decided to film tomorrow and one of the hardest part is to ask people for help! Maybe it's just me, but asking is the first step, and is also one of the hardest. Nonetheless, everyone I asked agreed! :) I am just so happy, grateful and blessed to have crossed paths with these people and I am honoured to have them in my video.
Finally finished filming today. Today also marks the second last day of the semester, and as usual, reports and presentation awaits hour semester-long project. Tomorrow is D-Day. On my way back today, I witnessed a very heart-warming gesture shown by 2 Malay boys who would otherwise would have been thought to be good-for-nothing Mat Rempits. What they did was emergency brake right in front of a....wait for it...kitten. It must have been newly born, as it was very small and barely knows what's going on. So, one of the Malay boys went out of the car, picked it up and placed the kitten by the side of the road. That is true compassion! I'm grateful and honoured to have witnessed such an incident. As Dumbledore always says, "Judge not a person by how he treats his equals, but by how he treats people lower than him". And that is exactly the resounding theme here. Truly blessed!
Last day of the sem! One last presentation and demo and there we have it! Year 3. Done. There were moments in the first and second year when I thought I would never have made it this far. That I wasn't good enough. You know what? Maybe I'm not. But positive thinking is the way to go. I applied this very much this semester especially, and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. And that we have 100% control over how we react to situations. Therefore, I'm truly happy and grateful for ALL the help I received throughout the semester from lecturers, friends, especially friends, blogs, articles, every single detail that help me through. Thank you very much. I am truly humbled.
What was supposed to be a boring day filled with movies and video editing just yesterday turned out to be quite exceptional! Went for badminton with the Monash Badminton Kaki Lima in the morning after one sem of not being able to join them. Lunch at Picadilly, then knocked out on for a couple of hours. Evening came, and I then made my way to Sakyamuni Dharma Centre on Christine's invite, of which I did a voice-over for their presentation. Met so many friends there..totally unexpected! And we had good conversations till 10 in the night! And I thought I was going back after one hour..haha I'm grateful for all that happened today, every spur of the moment decision, little thing :)
Sherlock Holmes spree mixed with video editing! Grateful for Sir Arthur's beautiful work!
Super a lot of video editing, and I can't believe I got the first final draft out by night.. but after some feedback, it still needed some tweaking, but let's watch the awesomest Gladiator till 3am first.. LOL crazy fooly, but well worth it. Grateful I'm still young :)
The more solid and complete revision of the video is out! To a select few of course. Let's see what they think! *Fingers crossed!*
The time to submit the last report of the semester has come. And so has the FYP presentation for the seniors. I enjoyed watching their presentations, but I FORGOT THE TIME!! Luckily the lecturer gave a bit of extension seeing that the attachments were too large to be sent via email. First time sending a lecturer a Dropbox link. haha, still grateful, and right after we left to print the hardcopy, the power was gone. Literally gone. The whole uni! When we came back, everyone was like leaving campus to go home, teeth clenched to face the jam.. I'm grateful that it wasn't that bad after all. All in all, today was quite enlightening to watch what's to come for me in exactly a year's time.
The main reason I went to uni today is to submit the video. Like finally submit the video after one month! But I also decided that since I'll be in uni, I might as well kick start my study schedule. But back to the video first, it has been a hell of a ride. A did what I wanted and I never regretted one bit. This is something I really really enjoy, and thought it's a pain in the butt at times, I would still do it all over again. I guess, this is the part where I finally found the so-called passion. Perhaps. Perhaps it's something temporary, who knows? Fingers crossed for the results, which I do not know when, and for which I really could not be bothered too much right now. I'm grateful I followed my bliss and when I woke up today, I read Tiny Buddha's post and I could relate every word. Simply grateful =)
Woke up with a major headache. Lasted till afternoon. Totally unproductive day. I'm just grateful it's over.
After days of working kinda hard I would say, today just turned out opposite. I could name a few factors like slept late, woke up late, no breakfast, different study place, different chair, hard topic...etc. But in the end, I just gave up entirely. Like seriously didn't study anything today, though I tried. I couldn't go pass 3 pages! So yeah, I watched Puss in Boots today, finished How I Met Your Mother Season 7 and basically just relaxed..with guilt, somehow. I'm not sure if I should be grateful I cut myself some slack, but I was really thinking through some stuff. And I'm still not sure how to handle it, but in the end, I think I'm grateful I didn't go all military on myself. I'm not Superman after all.
I cooked a simple spaghetti today. I guessed you could call is aglio-oglio with chicken deli and egg topped with rosemary and parmesan cheese. It's pretty good I would say. Although simple, my cousin said in Mandarin, "Eh, why don't you become chef?" Totally made my day. haha Grateful!
Una Breve Bienvenida a la Blogosfera
(Translation: A Short Welcome to the Blogosphere)
Oh, look at what we have here.
It's been almost a year since I dropped from the face of the blogosphere....
3 weeks ago
3 thoughts:
best speaker award? best friend award every mon-thurs u must be greatful for them too xD
of course grateful! except for the fact that it's sarcasm
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bandar taruhan bola
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bandar judi piala dunia 2018
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situs taruhan bola piala dunia 2018
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