Today evening, I took a jog cum walk in the nearby park to sweat it out and clear my head of sorts. That wasn't anything unusual until I chanced upon an uncommon route which I took on the spur. It sorts of opened up my eyes as I was walking along the dirt path towards a lake.
And in the moss-covered lake, guess what I stumbled upon? A big-ass monitor lizard. And another and another and another. Easily 4 to 5 in the lake which I pass almost all the time and yet failed to SEE. It's quite amusing to watch them watch me :)
And watching all the other park users oblivious to these creatures swimming in the middle of the lake! Can you imagine the amount of things we not see as life passes us by? If we'd only take a moment to savour sweet serendipity in out lives - it would be so much more colourful and it's easier to appreciate what we have just by observing life.
After sitting for quite some time, I got up and walked towards another lake pond filled to the brim with lotus flowers. It's not always blooming and I can personally testify to this. For just a week ago, I passed by the same place and it was in full bloom. Picture perfect! I only stopped for a brief moment thinking I could always come back any time.
How wrong I was. Today, there were 50% less flowers, but as I observed with "wider eyes", I saw a healthy ecosystem in the pond. There were fishes at the surface! Mind you, they are not guppies, but fishes half a foot long.
As I amused myself with my own thoughts, I caught a familiar face - my uncle! How splendid we should meet at this one place where both of us stopped at the same time! Serendipity is quickly becoming my favourite word here! :)
Anyhow, what I wanted to say is that there's so much beauty, so much peace, tranquility, life lessons around us if we'd only stop and savour the moment. Thus goes the story of the monitor lizard and the lotus flower. :D
Una Breve Bienvenida a la Blogosfera
(Translation: A Short Welcome to the Blogosphere)
Oh, look at what we have here.
It's been almost a year since I dropped from the face of the blogosphere....
1 week ago
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