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Thursday 2 February 2012

Prosperity Burger

McDonald's Malaysia have this annual Prosperity Burger promotion around the New Year period. It's not that I like McDonald's so much that I try every new burger on their menu, but their advertisements just leave you wanting a bite! Damn!

And so it happens every year, I'll have this Prosperity Burger. The thing here is, I have absolutely why the burger has to be soooooooo spicy!! I think it's one of the spiciest thing I've eaten. The black pepper just leaves a gaping hole in your esophagus long after you're done with the burger.

Maybe someone told McDonald's that prosperity must be HOT! At any rate, take this burger at your own risk! Don't say I didn't warn you.

Picture from here.

4 thoughts:

that awkward moment when the burger is so spicy you interrupt your own sentence:

"I have absolutely why the burger has to be soooooooo spicy!! I think it's one of the spiciest thing I've eaten."

lol..i totally get this! and i just realised i left out "no idea"..LOL

wished they come in extra spicy edition =p

I'm hungwee adi. But its not cheap... sad.