
New post every Saturday!


This page tells about the origins of Ocean's 1/2. In conventional terms, it would have been the About page. Take a look.

Project 365 Grateful

This a project inspired by a friend to help myself have a brighter outlook on life and appreciate what I already have. Read all about it here!


Now if you ever have any private/personal questions or are just to shy to leave your name, contact me personally! I'll reply ASAP :)


No one likes to sue or be sued. Though that is highly unlikely in this tiny blog of mine, I still like to say a few words here.


Congratulations on finding this small, little blog of mine! :)


Monday 29 October 2012


All pictures were taken in Monash Sunway campus for a Photo Competition. But since it's over now and nope, I didn't win, but I thought I'd share a couple of photos I took. Enjoy =)
Ridiculously Photogenic Guy?

I believe it's called pitching the ball.

And this guy's batting the ball.

If you'll notice, the chairs have replaced the wickets - the 3 poles the baller is supposed to hit down. (shown below). Well, I think simply because there's no wickets in Monash? Another point to note is that these cricket players are mostly non-Malaysians, either from Bangladesh, Pakistan or Sri Langka. Looks like Malaysians like their badminton too much for cricket!

Friday 26 October 2012

Deja Vu

Déjà vu, from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past.

Of? My blog going down. I've not been updating as frequently as I used to. Maybe because I'm busy (that's an excuse), I have nothing to say (also an excuse) or simply because nobody actually reads what I write (partially true).

At any rate, I always have a need to find the purpose in everything I do, and in this case, if no one's reading, why bother? Or is it more for me than for others? Then isn't a private journal a more worthwhile candidate, what with all this privacy concerns?

The answer is. I don't know. I just felt like I ought to write something down before the next Wrap Up. Maybe I'll post a picture or something later. 

Monday 1 October 2012

Wrap Up: September 2012

Somebody wake Green Day up!!! hahahaha.. September is officially gone today, but I could not have asked for a better month! Ever! Really!

My friends would know by now why. Perhaps if you ask me nicely, or bribe me with ice-cream, I'll tell you privately. Safe to say, that I'm happy as can be! :)

What else? Winning the men's badminton doubles gold medal in the Inter Buddhist Youth Games was also a sweet sweet achievement for me. Especially when all odds are stacked against you. Emerging champion after such a battle is the sweetest victory! Badminton was definitely one of the highlights of this month, joining ever so many games with different folks.

The other major event was the Monash Annual Ball. It was fun to dress up and see all your friends dressed up albeit all the complains about the organisers. Lots of drama going on in the FB page, of which I contributed only one two comments.

Most importantly, I think I grew this month. A lot. Hopefully not physically, but emotionally. I learned a lot of invaluable lessons on connecting with someone, taking initiative, and risking it all. And it was all worth it. See Quote #14.

I got distracted seeing that I can't remember what other notable stuff happened, and I thus searched for a good journal app on mobile and the Web. But no luck so far. Anyhow, till then.

Top 3 posts in September: Titanic.The Hitchhiker's DilemmaQuote #14
Total Pageviews in August: 1404 << I don't know where all these views came from!