Somebody wake Green Day up!!! hahahaha.. September is officially gone today, but I could not have asked for a better month! Ever! Really!
My friends would know by now why. Perhaps if you ask me nicely, or bribe me with ice-cream, I'll tell you privately. Safe to say, that I'm happy as can be! :)
What else? Winning the men's badminton doubles gold medal in the Inter Buddhist Youth Games was also a sweet sweet achievement for me. Especially when all odds are stacked against you. Emerging champion after such a battle is the sweetest victory! Badminton was definitely one of the highlights of this month, joining ever so many games with different folks.
The other major event was the Monash Annual Ball. It was fun to dress up and see all your friends dressed up albeit all the complains about the organisers. Lots of drama going on in the FB page, of which I contributed only one two comments.
Most importantly, I think I grew this month. A lot. Hopefully not physically, but emotionally. I learned a lot of invaluable lessons on connecting with someone, taking initiative, and risking it all. And it was all worth it. See Quote #14.
I got distracted seeing that I can't remember what other notable stuff happened, and I thus searched for a good journal app on mobile and the Web. But no luck so far. Anyhow, till then.
Top 3 posts in September: Titanic., The Hitchhiker's Dilemma, Quote #14
Total Pageviews in August: 1404 << I don't know where all these views came from!
Blurry Images
So, in the midst of the busy workload, my subconscious decided to give me
some respite by sending messages through the dreams. I only remember bits
and pie...
6 months ago
2 thoughts:
What lessons?
Not sure how to word this. Maybe I'll find the time to write it someday. But basically they can be summed up as "connecting with someone, taking initiative, and risking it all"
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