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Tuesday 10 April 2012

Rosemary Lemon Chicken Baked with Cheese

So, this is what happened. Last Sunday, my cousin ordered BBQ chicken from the Western shop in a hawker centre. And I said, that's so not worth it! Approximately RM10, and I said that I can do this myself at home! Then, you guessed it! My Uncle gave a challenge. Challenge accepted!

Today, I prepared, as the title clearly states - Rosemary Lemon Chicken Baked with Cheese. I used this recipe as a rough guideline. Some tweaking included adding thames and lemon zest on top of the rosemary, topped everything off with olive oil and added cheese on top of the chicken.

And here's the end results:

No potatoes! Yeap, kinda regretted as the meal wasn't quite as filling, but the chicken turned out to be really, really, I repeat really good! Never thought baking could be so easy and awesome! I usually worry about undercooked chicken, but this turned out perfect.

The insides were juicy and succulent, the outside a bit brownish, topped with the flavourful cheese, it's heavenly! I wish I prepared more, as blogging about this just makes me hungrier!

However, the salad is always a let down. I have no idea how to make a salad awesome without throwing too much mayonnaise and thousand island sauce into the mix.

Overall, chicken was perfect! Potatoes would make it godlike! But the salad just needs more improvement! Will definitely try this again!

4 thoughts:

where's the chicken? LOL

okokok, updated just to satisfy your need for chicks!

Hungwee.. How much now? RM10? xD

oh yeah, forgot to mention the price. it was about RM15 for the 3 chickens, 2 lemons and too much salad. Add cheese in, still below RM10 per plate!