It's a 2011 movie, but er, I've been wanting to catch this movie. Finally gotten down to it today and I'm so glad I did. This movie is CRAZY! I mean, the emotional impact is so strong and the message is so inspiring!
I especially liked the part where Father and Son finally stopped fighting, got down to talking honestly and openly and finally made up for past mistakes. Then there's also the part where Son went after the girl. The best and most inspiring concept I learned from this movie is 20 seconds of insane bravery.
How 20 seconds of insane courage can change your life. Forever. All is takes is 20 seconds.
To ask your crush out.
To say you're sorry.
To be completely honest with yourself.
And to say the least, I took this lesson to heart. :)
Una Breve Bienvenida a la Blogosfera
(Translation: A Short Welcome to the Blogosphere)
Oh, look at what we have here.
It's been almost a year since I dropped from the face of the blogosphere....
1 week ago
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