Blurry Images
So, in the midst of the busy workload, my subconscious decided to give me
some respite by sending messages through the dreams. I only remember bits
and pie...
6 months ago
New post every Saturday!
This page tells about the origins of Ocean's 1/2. In conventional terms, it would have been the About page. Take a look.
This a project inspired by a friend to help myself have a brighter outlook on life and appreciate what I already have. Read all about it here!
Now if you ever have any private/personal questions or are just to shy to leave your name, contact me personally! I'll reply ASAP :)
No one likes to sue or be sued. Though that is highly unlikely in this tiny blog of mine, I still like to say a few words here.
Congratulations on finding this small, little blog of mine! :)
"This post, is from Lin Dan's Fans Club in China. It reads
Thank you very much, Lee Chong Wei, Thank you for being such a noble and worthy opponent, and thank you for 10 years of company - without Lee Chong Wei's worthiness, there will not be any Lin Dan's worthiness; without Lee Chong Wei's persistence and perseverance, there will not be any progression for Lin Dan. Lee Chong Wei missed his first Gold Medal, but he didn't fail. We felt for his cries. [SHARED/RT] When we cheer for Lin Dan's victory, please also remember Lee Chong Wei. You both are the best."