I'm still a bit emotional over last night's match to be honest. To non-Asians, that's THE match between Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan. I don't usually write about these, but I just felt like I need to blurt a few things out. One of my friends posted this, which sums it up pretty well:
"Couldn't ask for a better finals. Could only ask for a different winner" - Kevin T.
As I watch Twitter's trends, a lot of people are saying not so nice things about Lin Dan; like the famed "Skills win you medals, but attitude win your hearts" and even Namewee made a
song about it.
To make it crystal clear, I'm with LCW. All the way. But it's certainly not fair and totally unprofessional to condemn the opponent. In my honest opinion, Lin Dan did NOT reach here by accident, nor was he born Superman. He worked really hard to get to where he is today and this is eminent by the way he celebrated after yesterday's victory - running around the stadium like a mad man, hugging his coaches and even giving a hint of tears. Furthermore, you can clearly see him blaming himself for every minor mistake he made - like how he slapped his head about 5 times once. Any man who did not work hard for something, cannot possibly taste victory as sweet.
To Lin Dan's credit, if anyone more, even just slightly, deserving than LCW to win that gold medal yesterday night, it has to be this man.
And this is what his fans had to say about LCW, which I find is absolutely true and honest in the biggest rivalry in badminton world:
"This post, is from Lin Dan's Fans Club in China. It reads
Thank you very much, Lee Chong Wei, Thank you for being such a noble and worthy opponent, and thank you for 10 years of company - without Lee Chong Wei's worthiness, there will not be any Lin Dan's worthiness; without Lee Chong Wei's persistence and perseverance, there will not be any progression for Lin Dan. Lee Chong Wei missed his first Gold Medal, but he didn't fail. We felt for his cries. [SHARED/RT] When we cheer for Lin Dan's victory, please also remember Lee Chong Wei. You both are the best."

And to all those trying to console Lee Chong Wei by saying that it's okay, silver is enough, I can't help but feel a bit insulted by that statement. Lee Chong Wei did not train his ass off for a silver. He did not overcome all the negative criticism in Beijing by emerging as a much more whole player for a silver. He did not gave up when Misbun quit, nor did he let any political crap get to him for a silver. And he certainly did not recover from his injury for a silver nor whatever happened to his Father trying to commit suicide get to his head. He was in it for the gold. And the most disappointing part "is not able to hear the Negaraku being played in London". I think above all, his biggest disappointment is letting his fans down, letting Malaysia down, letting us down. And this.is.the.saddest.face.of.2012.
P.S. Someone suggested to play Fix You by Coldplay to LCW. I can't agree on a better song.