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Friday 18 May 2012

Ajahn Brahm Public Seminar @ Sunway

Since this is a delayed post, and way too far back for me to remember much details, I shall just copy and paste what I wrote in Prohect 365 Grateful: 

D-Day. Alarm rang at 6am. Woke up at 6.30am. Supposed to fetch 2 people at 6.30am! !@#$%^&*! Anyhow, rearranged a few things and luckily I managed to keep my cool as I know I'm one of the few who take punctuality seriously. And I was right. People kept pouring in after me. Anyhow, I'm really happy to be taking photographs of all the people there. Helping out here and there and basically be a free agent. :) See here. Also met a lot of new friends, public, renewed old friendship. Very grateful for all that. 
The pictures are uploaded in Facebook. And only today, I managed to find some time to finally sort and upload the remainder of the photos I took!

Part of the Monash crew!

The registration booths

Ushers at various entrances

Packing up the hall

Ajahn did a brief walkabout much to the delight of the snappy happy folks

Lunch Dana for the VIPs

and canteen food for the mortals..LOL

Booths selling books, t-shirts and lots of stuff!

Ajahn says Y U NOO HAPPY? =)

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