Una Breve Bienvenida a la Blogosfera
(Translation: A Short Welcome to the Blogosphere)
Oh, look at what we have here.
It's been almost a year since I dropped from the face of the blogosphere....
Staring at the morning's sunrise through the airplane window a few days
ago, it is within the final moments before takeoff that I struggle to
contain my ov...
1.5 post teaching
Hello there!
How have you all been doing? =) I hope everyone is doing well!
Today I just don't feel like doing anything about school and students
Fire Red Shrimp
Wow, another long delayed post. Running pretty low on ideas since the last
few updates I posted up though. Sad. Anyway, recently I’ve ventured into
FTTMY 18th Graduation Song
FTTMY graduation song 18th Batch
Special thanks to: Ezra Lu & Nelson Kiu
I finally finish this project after procrastinating for 2 years. To be
clear, I d...
Some things just don't change
Hahahahaha... Looking back at all these photos makes me cry with laughter!
Despite looking like a total *noobie* and acting like one, I think I had an
1 thoughts:
BJ is for other stuff *winks*
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